Hello! There are all manner of places to find me and/or contact me.

I love to answer questions, help you troubleshoot, give you tips, teach you techniques and sometimes (often) be silly, so find me. I’ll be so happy that you did!

Email: [email protected]

facebook: Pastry Chef Online

twitter: @onlinepastrychf

Google+: Jennifer Field

Pinterest: onlinepastrychf

YouTube: PMAT Live! (A holdover from the old blog name: Pastry Methods and Techniques)

Contributing Blogger on SavorNC

And in the Fall of 2012, I’ll be teaching an introduction to baking course through ThirdEd in Raleigh. The class will be for retirees, so if you’re in the Raleigh area, are retired and want to take a class, check back for info. I’ll keep you posted!