As promised, here’s a cheat sheet of ingredients you can steep in scalded milk to add flavor, and I’ve also included some ideas for what to make with your infused dairy.
This cheat sheet is what I promised, but I have some more BONUS stuff for you, too!
As an extra thank you for being here, I’m over-delivering! I really hope you love these dinner rolls. There’s not much better than soft, buttery rolls. Enjoy!

Why I love this Escali Primo Scale:

I am a firm believer in owning a scale and an instant-read thermometer. Click NEXT and I’ll tell you exactly why that is and give you my recommendation for a great little workhorse of a kitchen scale.
Equipment Recommendations: Kitchen Scale
I know I always tell you you need to get a scale and you really need an instant-read thermometer. I own both, and while I was resistant at first, I couldn’t live without either now. Don’t be stubborn like me.Why You Need a Kitchen Scale
- You will not need as many measuring cups and spoons.
- Your measuring will take less time.
- Weighing ingredients takes the guess-work out of the equation. The weight is the weight, no matter the volume. That’s why I almost always weigh all my ingredients including liquids.
- Your results will be consistent from batch to batch. If one time you decide to scoop your flour into you cup and another time you decide to spoon it in, those cups of flour will not weigh the same, and you will be able to tell a difference in your finished cake, cookies or bread. Weigh your flour and all your ingredients, and there will be no surprises in your end products.
Click on the image to go see on Amazon
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- It’s accurate: I’ve owned mine for ten years (and I recently bought another one), and it has never steered me wrong.
- It’s flexible: I can get my readings in all ounces (what I usually do), pounds and ounces or in grams. It is nice not to have to be married to one system of measurement, and if you come across a recipe that sounds good and is written in grams or ounces and you’re have no idea how to do that, you don’t have to worry because your scale will take care of you.
- I love the tare function: Here’s how I measure multiple ingredients right into my mixing bowl.
- I place the bowl on the scale and then turn it on. The scale reads 0.0. If I turn on the scale before I put the bowl on it, I just have to hit the tare button (on the left up there) and the scale goes to 0.0.
- I add the first ingredients, a bit at a time, until I reach the desired weight (say, 4 oz flour).
- I hit the tare button and the scale resets to 0.0.
- I add each subsequent ingredient that needs to go in at one time, making sure to hit the tare button between each addition so the scale resets to 0.0–easy!
- It’s easy to clean: I wipe mine down with a damp cloth or even a “wipey” (like Clorox or something). The buttons and readout are sealed, so I don’t have to worry about getting water down in my scale. The only place you have to be careful is the battery compartment, so just don’t let the scale sit on a very wet counter and you’ll be fine.
- It’s easy to store: the Escali Primo is small and lightweight. I store it on its side in a cabinet so it’s always ready when I need it.
Equipment Recommendations: Instant Read Thermometer
Hopefully I’ve convinced you to buy a scale. And hopefully I will convince you to purchase an instant read thermometer. I was resistant to getting a thermometer, but now I use mine all the time. Seriously.Why You Need an Instant Read Thermometer
- Because using different parts of your palm to tell whether your beef is medium rare or well done is just too vague.
- Because the only way to accurately tell if your chicken breast has reached 165F without cutting into it is to take its temperature.
- Because cakes and breads are done at between 200-205F, and you don’t know if you’re there unless you take their temperatures.
- Because sugar behaves very differently when heated to different specific temperatures, and the only way to tell beyond a shadow of a doubt what temperature the sugar is is to use a thermometer.
- I’m sure there are more reasons, but it’s all about accuracy and being sure.
Click on the image to go see it on Amazon.
Why I love this Javelin Pro Digital Thermometer:- It’s accurate. Here (near sea level) it reads 212F at boiling and 32F at freezing. An inaccurate thermometer is destined to be tossed.
- It’s fast. You can’t afford to sit with the oven door gaping open for 20 seconds while an instant read slowly finds the temperature. This guy tells you within 3-4 seconds.
- It has an alarm on it that sounds when the temp stops climbing so you know.
- It has a magnet on the back so you can stick it to the stove or fridge and keep it in easy reach.
- The readout is backlit so you can see the temperature even when taking a reading in a dark oven.