The Best S'Mores Bars Recipe

These s'mores bars are plenty sweet, but they're also balanced so you can eat more than one if you want!

Here's what you need to make these tasty bar cookies.

The finishing salt is important for balancing out the sweetness of the bars. If you don't have finishing salt, you can use kosher salt instead.

First, you'll make the dough. It calls for both finely crushed Graham crackers as well as coarsely broken ones for texture.

Spread half the dough in the pan, bake a few minutes, then layer up all the goodies. Halfway through baking, add mini marshmallows and milk chocolate candy pieces.

They slice best once completely cooled. If you can't wait, and I don't blame you, spray a pizza wheel with pan spray and cut bars that way. Works like a charm!

Grab the recipe by clicking below. See the next slide for more bar cookie goodness. Thanks for your interest!

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