A full English trifle, at least the way Auntie Ev made it, fills a 9 x 13 Pyrex.There is no rule that says you can't make these in individual glasses. I did this year along with a small-ish 7"x11" Pyrex baking dish. No matter how you serve it--in individual glasses, in a Pyrex, or in a classic trifle bowl, you'll love the classic flavors in this English trifle.
1cupof sugar(you may need a little more--I just do it to taste)
½teaspoonsalt(again, to taste. You might want a bit more or less, just please don't leave it out)
4teaspoonsvanilla extract
Items for Assembly
16sliceslemon pound cakeabout 1/2" thick
½cupcream sherrymore or less
30ozraspberry jam
1 ½cupsheavy cream whipped with 4 Tablespoons sugara pinch of salt, and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
For the Custard
I would hold off making the custard until you have the rest of the layers constructed.
Place the vanilla in a large bowl. Set a fine mesh strainer over the top and set aside.
In a large sauce pan, combine the milk, corn starch, yolks, sugar and salt.
Over medium to medium-high heat, bring this to a boil, whisking constantly.
Before it gets too hot, give it a taste and see if you need to add a bit more sugar and/or salt for your taste.
Once the custard comes to a boil, turn the heat down to medium-low and cook another 30-45 seconds. Continue to whisk madly.
Remove the pan from the heat and strain the custard into the bowl with the vanilla. You may need to use your spatula to force it all through.
Stir the custard and vanilla together thoroughly.
To Assemble
Cut rectangles of pound cake about 1/2" thick and fit them in the bottom of a 9"x13" glass baking dish. It's okay to leave a little space between the slices at the edges of the pan, but the rest of the slices should pretty much be touching.
Even drizzle as much or as little sherry over the layers as you like. This is entirely dependent on who you're feeding, so use your good judgement. I usually use about 1/4-1/3 cup per layer. I don't measure either. I just stick my thumb over the mouth of the bottle and shake on as much as seems Prudent.
Evenly spread on a layer of raspberry jam about 1/8"-3/16" thick.
Add another layer of pound cake.
Sprinkle with more sherry.
Spread on another layer of jam.
Pour the custard evenly over the top of the trifle, making sure that it runs down into any gaps between the cake and the sides of the pan. I usually stick a knife in in a few places to allow the custard to spread. You want about a 1/2" layer of custard, so if you seem to have a bit extra, save it for yourself and don't tell anyone.
You should still have about 1/2" of space between the top of the custard and the top of the pan. This is where you'll spread your whipped cream.
Cover the trifle with plastic wrap (don't worry about pressing it to the surface of the custard) and chill thoroughly.
Once chilled, spread the whipped cream evenly over the top of the trifle.
Serve in whatever size slices you'd like, and place a completely optional maraschino cherry in the very center of each slice before serving.